Here in the age of technology, we are bombarded with distractions. It's really funny that when I went to write this post, I looked up the synonym of "distraction". "Entertainment", "amusement", "preoccupation," just to name a few.
We are definitely bombarded with getting away with from ourselves more and more as the days grow far and few. It's knocking most wayyy off course. But fret not.
I just recently put up a podcast show about such subject. The AD's we come across from time to time is being sAD, being mAD, and wishing and hoping we hAD more. Once upon a time I used to think I was special when my mother said that I get something new, play with it and soon grow tired of it. Gee golly, isn't that the sense of finding out what exactly it is you like? We get so hung up on expectations that we feel we can't search around a bit. So, what do we end up? Sad and mad because that inner child or better yet inner YOU are needing more cement to build you up.
We just dive right into some ish because it feels good for the moment. Not quite thinking is it beneficial for our wellbeing.
Remember we are team ACCOUNTABILITY! We don't blame other silly unlearned souls for how we have turned out. Please please don't take that as no empathy for anyone who has experienced any physical trauma of any sort from the only source of safety they knew at the time. I will take this time to send you the biggest hug right through this screen. But I do want you to hear me clear as your own voice in your head, THAT SITUATION/PERSON DID NOT DEFINE WHO YOU ARE. YOU ARE GREATNESS AND COME FROM GREATNESS. YOU HAVE THE POWER RIGHT WITHIN YOU TO CHANGE THAT STORY CUZ NO NO IT WON'T END THAT WAY. I COMMAND YOU FIND THE POWER TO RESSURECT YOURSELF AND RAISE ABOVE AND STAND ON THE ASHES OF THE ONES WHO TRIED TO BRING YOU DOWN. DID YOU HEAR THAT? TRIED. NO SUCCESSION UNLESS IT'S IN YOUR CORNER. There's still work to be done. ASE.