Roosters are doing what they do in the country. I don't know because I'm in the city where the birds sing and tires screech. I am thankful for having the sense to hear these lovely sounds. See what I did there? Instead of wishing to be on an island, where the weather will be perfect for the next two months straight with some fine eye candy, I filled the rest of my half full cup with true positivity. I'm not tricking my mind saying that I'm happy when I'm really not with those awesome sounding affirmations that take longer to kick in than your lab created prescription. I am reminding myself of what gains I have to celebrate.
Practice Makes Something Like Perfection
We all know things don't happen right away unless you put on three minutes. (I'm sure you're not still using radiation to heat your "food.") Do you remember when you were younger in gym class, and you had a new unit. Your body was not used to the movement you were making at first. But over time your body got used to what it was doing, and it was like second nature. The same can be said about a hairstyle. It may not take the first two times, but by that third slick down, your hair has been trained to move a certain way. The same can be said about our thoughts and reactions. It can be especially easy if you have a single button reactor. Just do the opposite. Boomshakalaka.