As soon you make the decision to THINK differently and in a more positive manner, you will immediately change your frequency. We as humans don’t even realize the true magnitude of power we posses. Did you know the average human produces well over 100 watts of electricity? Just like I’m sure you’ve seen once before a magician hold a glistening light bulb in their hand only to wonder, how in the heezy did they do that one? There’s a book called, Cyclomancy, by Frank Young. In it he explains to a degree, the ability we hold to do such feats of magic and super human powers by innerstanding your psychic power control. Unfortunately thanks to western living and the busy demands of life, we have long since forgotten these powers as they lie dormant, only peeking at the time of distress and happiness. I believe if you start with these four tips, you will get a better understanding of not just yourself but the world around you.
Since about 2007, when Steve Jobs first introduced the iPhone (even though the ACTUAL first “smart” phone was created by IBM in 1992 released in 94, all while the very first touchscreen was invented in the 70’s.) people now check their phones before they even brush they funky tongue or even say hello to the loved one they reside amongst. That plus even more technology in this Age of Aquarius, has sent us off the rocker well before the pinned tender age of 50.
We tend to check our messages, likes and mentions. Now unless it’s making you an earning for your business or what have you, DO NOT CHECK YOUR PHONE WITHOUT FIRST DOING THE MENTIONED BELOW.
Affirmations are sayings, sort of mantras, that you mention out loud or to yourself to RETRAIN your subconscious mind. Words are indeed spells. That’s why it would also be a great benefit to jot some words down and see what the ROOT words truly break down to on this great website gifted online of etymology. Another great resource to get you started with some affirmations is the app on Google Play Store called Law Of Attraction. On top of affirmations, it allows you to record the ones pre-written. That way you can hear your own voice saying these beautiful mantras. The app even includes the ever so popular yet positive memes, a gratitude checklist, PDF’s within the app on brain training, and even hypnosis to break certain habits. I personally love the app and have been using it for over three months now. It has definitely helped my perspective of situations in my life from my children all the way to manifesting material items needed in a pinch.
Even if you start out with the simple affirmation of making the commitment to doing affirmations daily, you are reprogramming your subconscious to aid your controlled conscious mind. Doing so along with my next pointer is an extra credit point that we all so need and deserve in our busy lives.
The frequency in music has been known for centuries to heal the ill. (Watch out Dr. Seuss.) Long ago when a person would fall ill, mainly always starting in the gut, the healer would take an instrument, lay it upon the body or place of ailment, play a certain tune or frequency and the vibrations would shake the sickness loose and get the blood flowing back to it correct rate. This works in the same sense when you listen to certain vibrations. Do remember in elementary school when those people would come in and test your hearing? Doctors and nurses test our hearing as babies as well. Do you ever wonder what that silly thing is? It is a certain frequency, specifically, binaural beats. Daily use of roughly 30 minutes a day for 60 days can result in a significant change in anxiety, mood, and quality of life.
I am a huge advocate of, “YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT.” If you are eating poorly then my friend, you will have poor performance and everything thereafter. We should no longer be oblivious to the labels before us. Even then, we MUST TRUST SELF. Organic food are closer to nature than those that are not. Microwaves are detrimental not just to the human body but the human psyche overall. Ingesting zapped food is going to do just that to your neurons.
I also firmly believe in eating according to your blood type. I have a nicely complied podcast about it. There are three types of human species. Caucazoids, Mongoloid and the ever growing and longest existing, Congoloids. If you had Ancestors that originated in a certain part of the world, then your genes have been pre-edited to the nourishment conditions in which they lived. Hence why melanated beings get sick or feel slightly ill after eating Chinese food.
Start off by incorporating a vegan or vegetarian meal once a week. If that doesn’t seem appealing or appetizing to you, you can simply fast for the day with just liquids. Some herbal tea and/or water will suffice. Humans are herbivores not carnivores. This simply fact is shown in our teeth and digestive track. The adult digestive tract length is about 30 feet or 9 meters long. The digestive track of a lion is only 6-7 meters long. The longer the track, the longer the digestive time. It would take us about 10 days to digest one simple burger, while only taking a lion about three. Yet we pile it on, day after day with no breaks in between besides sleeping. Then we break our fast in the rising hour hence the name breakfast. See why etymology knowledge is helpful with innerstanding.
These four factors along with getting folks who don’t vibe with you out of your circle shall help aid in the daily challenges we face. You will begin to see them not as a challenge but yet a opportunity, to be a better version of YOU for yourself, and those around you. Vibrate higher that way when you walk in the room and smile, you can be that light and send out the vibrations to others that may be in need. Ase.