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Updated: May 8, 2022

(Updated May 8, 2022)

Bobby Hemmitt

Bobby Hemmit, along with life, has taught me is that karma doesn’t exist. Hell, nothing exists until you make it so. If you believe in karma then so shall it be, BUT only in your perception. If you believe that this plane of existence is a mere simulation, you will soon realize karma DOES NOT EXIST.

Nor is it a great idea to go to that big white light. That is a trap for INCARCERATION. Oh hell, this chick done went way left and fell off her rocker is what you're probably thinking. Answer this though. What is life to you? Gets pretty shitty once you realize some things, don’t it? Like the moment you realized a fictional character wasn't real (bye bye nasty Tooth Fairy n fat ass Santa), or that wrestling was just merely a form of choreography. Or any other life altering actualization.


I was thinking about a young person that I recently seen. I don't know of them directly but being "friends" with their parent, I seen him growing up and he was a smiley child (via social media). Now as a teenager they seem moppy for a lack of better spell words. It made me think of other children. Not myself simply because I realized this shit storm a mere three years or so after my arrival, by trying to smother myself. Only to fail because gosh, smothering yourself gets quite hot. But it seems that little happy unknowing child in all of us fades so quickly. They call it “puberty”. I call it realEYEsation.

Even after having children, holidays started to get cloudy.

I was your average story of a single mother working minimum wage and, on any support, offered by the govt., with no help from the one who helped me create her due to incarceration. Typical ish. Holidays would draw near, and I would just be complete opposite of my daughter. Even found myself complaining to my customers about the snow saying, “this is weather is for children.”

But why couldn’t I come to find joy in this pretty white blanket of glitter?

More than often times I'll find myself asking questions of life, of existence, of true authentic purpose, even after there’s nobody else to help. I find myself already tired of repeating or putting my all into a conversation only to no avail or heed of my advice that I feel will better OURSELVES as a collectedness of existence.

But that’s just the thing. It’s how I feel, how I perceive things. Why dare get upset and emotional? Why am I trying to eat healthy? To extend my time here on earth or to make the journey a tad smoother without the interference of white coat tricks and traps. So of course, the big question of…WHAT THE HELL DO WE DO?


Well guess what ladies and germs. The answer to that I’m afraid lies deep and dormant within each and every one of us, individually. So, in the great words of the hilarious now underrated comedian, Katt Williams, “you gotta live yo mothafuckin life boo boo."

This is nowhere near an article telling you to just say to hell with it. Nope! It’s the EXACT OPPOSITE of that. It’s to say LIVE LIFE TO THE ABSOLUTE FULLEST! Don’t waste days worrying, being upset over spilled milk because let’s just keep it one thou. That’s all it ever be. Something truly mediocre that we can simply fix. But what do we do? Get them damn emotions involved. Ohh, that empath shit. Set up. There you go again falling slave to a certain narrative. Think about it. Just like a depressed woman falling for the first man to give her attention. Who has diagnosed you as such? Just as such with a therapist. What are they? Folks that are paid to agree or argue with you and make you feel they pulled something out of you when really all you needed to do was talk to whom in the mirror? YOU! And not sorry to any of them reading this. It's time to change the narrative. HELP instead of holding on to someone's funds. Doctors and practitioners of human health alike.

DO NOT WAIT FOR SOMEBODY TO MAKE YOU HAPPY OUTSIDE OF YOURSELF! It's key to survival. Never feel like you can't live without someone. Just enjoy the time and the moments you share with them. Stop putting a time on happiness, it will last forever and you won't even notice how much time has passed.


Life is just a mere placebo folks. Peep this quote.

Perhaps the greatest discovery in human history is that “you become what you think about—most of the time.” Your beliefs, either positive or negative, helpful or hurtful, largely determine everything you do and how you do it. What do you think about most of the time? And how do you think about it? As Wayne Dyer wrote, “You don’t believe what you see; you see what you already believe.”

Now that goes right along with the sense of “what ever you think, so shall it be.” That is absolutely it folks. Stick a fork in it. That is what I have found as my answers to the difficult questions in life. Why does this happen? Why didn’t that happen? Karma you say? Only if you make it so with your belief. God did that and opened that door, only if you believe and make it so. So what do you make out of YOUR journey? Your incarnation depends solely on you. Not your family, not your diety, not your soul tribe, not your religion, NOTHING BUT THE ALMIGHTY…YOU.

Thank you for taking this ride with me. Live well and be prosperous as you want to see yourself.


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