Do you ever wake up in the best of moods? Na, I mean that real good mood where you are absolutely for certain nothing in the whole day can bring you down no matter what the feat may be?
Then it happens. You pick up your phone only to see that so and so just launched their new business. Not to mention of how such and such just announced their pregnancy and is no longer at threat for a miscarriage. These are all great and marvelous mentioning’s. Yet the whole mood that was said to not be screwed, has been thrown way the hell off track. You have veered way off course and heading down memory lane full speed. Unfortunately, there’s no patrolling to keep you on course to YOUR HAPPY WORLD. Feelings of doubt rush near bumping into your speeding car of frustration. Sending you straight into a brick wall of stagnation and unfulfilling nor productive thoughts.
WARNING! THIS IS A TEST! ONLY A SIMPLE TEST! Simple and small. I know you’ve had your fair share of them along your journey eh? That’s all this is. Will you pass or will you fail? The Universe is your only judge. Wouldn’t you like a lil peek at the answers? Well come a little closer and make sure you DO tell everyone!
First things first: THOU SHALT BREATHE! Breathing is the easiest and quickest way to get that wonderful prana. (Hindu energy life force) Do a simple 6,3,9. In for six seconds, hold for three and out for nine. Do this for up to one minute or more to begin with. Simplicity is best in these situations. We don’t want to re-work ourselves up now do we?
Find something that makes you laugh. For easier and quicker access, next time you’re watching something funny, screen record it for times such as this. My favorite is the small scene in Home Alone where Kevin picks up the tarantula and puts it on the home invaders face and he screams in the highest octave for a male. Cracks me up just to think of it. Now that you have your mind completely occupied and distracted, time to slip in your AFFIRMATIONS. My favorite one is, “I AM OK RIGHT NOW.” Not only does it stop you from thinking of which of what neither exist, the past and the future.
Try these a couple of times next time your train gets accidentally derailed due to self error.