When you are around children you are more than likely tip toeing around, talking quietly and being absolutely sure things are clean and tiddy around them right? Sounds a titty tad familiar don't it? It's so funny how the last blog post I made was titled Next Generation Msgs. Don't you just love Divine Timing in this simulation? We are completely ahead of ourselves. Hence the title for this post.
We are sure not to play music with "naughty" lyrics or too much bass. If so, we put on our headphones only to mess around and catch a vibe of it all and slip up and say a curse word. Mic drops faster than jaws and here come the echo of "oooooooo's." Not only will they look you upside your head crazy, but they will be sure to bust you out next time they see a family member or friend. Who else does that when you made a silly life mistake? Not to make fun or anything but to teach you to watch your mouth because you never know who's listening?
There is a lot that can be learned from children. You don't agree just ask a parent who knows no patience with a newborn. They will learn it sooner than later, and definitely quicker if they are a single parent. They teach you how to have compassion on a level that nobody, no book, no blog can teach or tell you. Who else gives you those life changing lessons of love and forgiveness?
This is why I say what I say. On a deeper metaphysical level, your children are older than you. They just came back to this reINCARCERATION did they not? They are much closer to the creator than you and I because we've been here getting watered down on our true highest intelligence. That's why we are here! To relearn and get back to our higher selves. What do you think dreams are? Please don't say they're not important for you must not have innerstanding of reincarnation, karma, and past lives. That is for another post at another time.
The story is already written. There's a cartoon movie that backs everything I say but I don't want to give out the title for I don't want to spoil a good mystery story. But if interested you can contact me below or send a chat.